June 30, 2004


Note the pithy new name! I was getting tired of everything of mine being plien, so with one quick change, I now present... blien! This will work until I give one of my kids a first name beginning with 'B'.

I've given up the ghost temporarily on trying to publish this to HostRocket. Blogger says HostRocket doesn't support passive FTP. HostRocket says they do, even though I can't get it work work with FileZilla, and Blogger still can't publish. Gonna have to talk with HR front-line support again...

Speaking of front-line support, does it bug anyone else that front-line support is generally useless. You can tell they're all reading from a script, the suggestions of which you've already tried. Try as you might to try and get to a second level tech, they always fall back on asking you the same questions (did you log back off and on? Did you restart the app? Did you restart the computer? etc... You just have to answer "Yes" as quickly as you can and hope you can quickly get to someone who knows what they're talking about.

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