June 30, 2004

Firefox - The Browser, Reloaded

Firefox - The Browser, Reloaded
Before I get to anything else, I'd just like to put a plug in for Mozilla Firefox, the open-source browser that's been my web surfing tool of choice for the past few months.

In light of recent news regarding still more security exploits in Microsoft's Internet Explorer, this seems like a particularly good time to inform some of the less tech-saavy that a choice does exist in terms of which browser to use to surf the web. IE, in its current form, is just too bug-ridden and too much of a security hole, and I've decided that I'm going to try and switch people over, starting with Wendy. I prefer Firefox, but the Mozilla Browser and Opera are also worthy choices.

I've resisted moving people over to alternative browsers because there are still some sites which assume you are using IE, and code only for IE, with the result that pages might look weird, or might not function at all. But with recent exploits of IE, it's time to move 'em over.

N.B. folks: use IE at your own peril.

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